Monday, November 9, 2015

On the November 2015 LDS Guidance on Same-Sex Married Couples - Introduction: Defining Apostate


This week the LDS church is under fire for a leaked set of instructions to Priesthood leaders.  News sources state that the new guidelines apparently provide guidance for how to handle children of married same-sex couples.  In short, married same-sex couples are called "apostates" and their children are to be denied infant blessings and baptism until they are 18 or move out of their parents' homes.

According to Deseret News, which is run by the Church:

The handbook now includes being in a same-sex marriage under the definition of apostasy and as a circumstance that requires the convening of a disciplinary council. The handbook also clarifies that the ordinance of naming and blessing a child may not be performed for children living with a parent in a same-gender relationship.
The new section of the handbook is listed under the heading "Children of a Parent Living in a Same-Gender Relationship." It states that "a natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may not receive a name and a blessing."
The Internet is up in arms about this, of course, which should surprise no one.  But the various reactions have left me personally surprised and confused.  The following series of posts are my attempt to reason through them all. 


When writing these types of analyses, I often feel compelled to clarify my own purpose.  I am not an apologist for this or any other faith.  It is not my purpose to defend or rebuff the actions or policies of the church in any way.  I'm only seeking to make some sense of the arguments themselves.

Defining "Apostate"

A lot of outrage surrounds the declaration that same-sex married couples are now to be considered "apostates" subject to Church Discipline.  This can be dispensed with very quickly.  Regardless of specific internal church guidance on the specific subject, we can turn to any dictionary to define the term:

The LDS church has (to my knowledge) always condemned homosexuality as a sin.  It additionally (currently) defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman.  Legal same-sex marriage is a new thing, so in order to remain current, their guidelines needed to be updated.  No shock or horror there.

Couples living in a homosexual union, especially those who participate in a legal marriage ceremony contrary to the teachings of the church, are apostates.

Going further: Any person who joins an organization that clearly states it is run from the top down by a Prophet of God, who then works to change the organization democratically from the bottom up is an apostate.

Does this mean they're bad people?  Should they feel slighted or insulted by this label?  These are fascinating questions that I'll cover later.

Stay tuned for future installments.